A good road network, connects towns and cities to the countryside, opening markets to farmers, paving the way for industrial growth, creating employment, and boosting communication. Road construction projects require solid specialist knowledge, extensive project experience, and clear leadership qualities. The diverse stages of Road construction also require perseverance and expert engineers who understand the needs of the project. We support our clients at all stages of road construction from planning, to design, to the representation of the full-service architectural design and engineering teams reporting to clients and public agencies. With a secure material supply, a dense network of asphalt mixing facilities, and technical developments, we can combine experience, skills, and expertise to deliver quality road projects in a timely manner. The C-AFRICA team has carried out several projects in civil road realignments, safety barrier construction, road rehabilitation, and the creation of new roads and pavement systems. The C-AFRICA team will steer your road construction projects to successful completion.

Aspects Of Road Design And Construction


C-AFRICA road construction strategies are designed to harmonize practice, encourage the adoption of emerging technology, and incorporate the safe system approach. Road construction activities range from minor improvements on car parks and hard standings, such as fixing street lighting, road markings, and signs to the major design of arterial roads. Planning is the most important part of the road construction process because it helps our engineers estimate the potential risks, calculate the costs involved and give room for future modification or expansion of roads. C-AFRICA engineers manage bitumen (asphalt) as well as concrete roads. Road construction materials are selected according to the type of road, projected traffic density, and climatic conditions. We emphasize eco-friendly road construction methods, maximizing recycled waste products, to make better roads and highways- without doing much damage to our environment. Our support for due diligence ensures responsible and sustainable use of the available resources, budget and quality specifications. We ascertain key and approval-relevant issues during the feasibility studies and quickly devise well-calibrated solutions. Our plant and equipment are unmatched, allowing us to provide timely delivery of quality workmanship. Traffic management and safety are the foundations of a successful road project a guaranteed peace of mind to our clients. C-AFRICA team of internal and external engineers and architectural designers provides efficient coordination and the establishment of cohesive interdisciplinary teams needed throughout the road construction phases.

C-AFRICA Road Construction Services
  • General project management includes carrying out Road Safety Audits – (RSA)
  • General management and coordination of general road designs and engineering teams
  • Project management, including scheduling and cost planning, schedule, cost, and service monitoring, contracts, quality management, and project administration
  • Management and coordination of full-service architectural design and engineering offers, as well as the procurement of contractor services
  • Support in terms of public relations work, the submission of expert opinions, moderation processes, negotiations, public hearings, and other events
  • Drafting or review of expert reports for infrastructure projects