With over 6 years of experience, C-AFRICA has gained the reputation of combining expertise with the latest drilling technology to deliver high standards of quality work. C-AFRICA team of qualified commissioned planners and industry specialists guide you right from the construction to the expense planning phases of the drilling contract. We’re committed to providing the highest-quality coverage at the most competitive rates.

We Offered

Feasibility planningDetailed planning & Design
We provide alignment to assist developers and industry specialists to plan new projects efficiently and also help you find and analyze alternatives.Will give you the technical expertise to build a complex model of the infrastructure-including;  Bridges, road signs, Pipes, Manholes, and Cables.

Estimating & BiddingPlanning & Scheduling
Linear construction and maintenance projects present unique challenges because the work is not performed in a single location. With C-AFRICA you can plan and manage your projects more effectively. We incorporate design details, construction challenges, and the project schedule into one view, so contractors, project owners, and civil engineers can plan and manage linear projects more effectively.

Execute constructionAs-built signs-off
C-AFRICA’s site solutions help improve efficiency and productivity while minimizing waste and expense throughout the life of the project.We construct information from across the project to pave the way for advanced, near-real-time reporting for progress payments.