Civil Engineering Services


C-AFRICA provides efficient, cost-effective planning and engineering services to develop sites that meet our client’s specific functional, artistic, and environmental goals. Backed by a strong team of experienced civil and site engineers, we work closely with landscape architects, geotechnical and environmental engineers, environmental scientists, traffic engineers, and surveyors to meet the needs of clients, architects, contractors, and institutional and government agencies. Over the past 5-years, C-AFRICA civil engineers have delivered a range of civil engineering projects,

Such as;
  • Roadworks
  • Earthworks
  • Concrete strucrure
  • Utility design
  • Our civil engineers have left a footprint on
  • Basements and Retaining walls
  • Hard Standing
  • Complex infrastructure projects
  • Drainage

    How we do it

    From a residential home to a major commercial building, and major architectural project requirements, C-AFRICA, conducts feasibility studies, prepares both conceptual and final designs, and produces construction documents through the local permitting and regulatory processes.Our team of accredited engineers and planners prepare sustainable site plans and incorporate water-efficient landscaping, water use reduction, and innovative stormwater management.The site plans also consider, reduced site disturbance, and construction waste management to maximize green building potential.

    Our Services

    At C-AFRICA, we are committed to creating an exciting, properly designed space, based on the user’s needs, because we believe site planning is the central pillar of any land development project. Our expert civil engineers plan each site as a unique project, taking advantage of both man-made and natural elements to create appealing and functional sites.

    Service include;
  • Feasibility studies
  • Master and Site planning
  • Legal descriptions
  • Environmental assessments
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Permit processing and zoning

    Landscape Architecture Planning And Design


    Our staff is experienced in all areas of landscape architecture design and planning. The team works closely with our engineering and environmental professionals to give contextual and sustainable design,

    Design soulution for;
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Educationals
  • Recreationals
  • Transportation
  • Municipal projects
  • Service include;
  • Residential and neighbourhood design
  • Entrance features and Signagel
  • Campus design
  • Environmental planning among others

    Residential Home Development

    Drawing from the full resources of the firm, C – Africa team of Civil engineers coordinate permits for projects ranging from single-family developments to high-rise urban condominium complexes.

    We also prepare for;
  • Grading
  • Paving
  • Utility
  • Stormwater management and Erosion
  • Sediment control plans

    Creative planning and problem-solving are at the heart of our residential home development projects.

    Other services provided are;
  • Plot plans
  • Stormwater management
  • Site feasibility studies
  • Geotechnical engineering

    Commercial Buildings Development

    Economics, sustainability, and marketability are central to our commercial building projects because our civil engineers believe that commercial development is an economic necessity that brings people together. C-AFRICA provides a full slate of engineering and design services ranging from office buildings to large regional retail and business centres.

    Services include;
  • Site feasibility studies
  • Site engineering
  • Sediment and Erosion control
  • Stormwater management
  • Pad grading plans
  • We also carry out;
  • Percolation test plans
  • Water
  • Sewer, and Storm drain design
  • Environmental assessments
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Permit processing
  • Zoning
  • Construction management